About The Rice Transplanter You Need to Know


Dongfeng Iseki Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd
Dongfeng Iseki Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd

With declining food self-sufficiency and a shrinking population of farmers, Japanese agriculture is facing many challenges. One of these is labor shortages.
Until the 1970s, backbreaking manual planting was the norm in Japan. Workers bent over muddy rice fields, using crooked fingers and hunched backs to plant seedlings and weed the field.
To solve this problem, people make rice transplanters instead it. with the introduction of the rice transplanter, a lot of this pain was relieved. Currently, 98% of Japanese fields are planted with mechanized transplanters.

What is the rice transplanter?

A rice transplanter is a specialized planter fitted to transplant rice seedlings onto a paddy field. It can save considerable time and labor, and is therefore very popular among farmers.

How many types of rice transplanters?

There are two main types of rice transplanters. These are the riding type and walking type.

The riding type is a small tractor that can move up to six lines of seedlings in one ride. It also has a planting application at the rear that takes care of seedling transplantation into the soil. It’s light weight means that it can be driven in the paddy field without disturbing the soil. It can also be used to transplant other crops such as peanuts, corn and sorghum.

What are the components of rice transplanter?

A rice transplanter consists of a seeding tray, a seeding tray shifter and plural pickup forks. The seeding tray is like a shed roof where mat-type nursery of rice seedlings is laid.
The seeding tray shifter shifts the tray like a carriage of typewriters when the pickup forks get the seedlings from the tray and put them into the earth.
The seeding tray shifter, the pickup forks and the new type of seedling guard board work together to ensure that the seedlings are planted upright, orderly. Also, the auto-balance adjustment system keeps the balance and consistent transplanting depth even in uneven paddy fields.


The rice transplanter is a machine used in mechanized farming which works by growing seedlings of different plants such as rice. It is one of the most important mechanized tools and equipment for farmers as it makes the process of cultivation easier, faster and efficient.

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